Monday, August 22, 2011

Here is an old poem I just stumbled across that I rather like...

Don't Get Caught Out in the Rain

In the year 2000 I was going to be 26

Incredibly old

Probably married

…… babies though


I was going to celebrate

In grand style

With a huge number of friends

On an island resort

My husband and I would dance to Copacabana

We’d be drinking Pina Colada’s

Our lives and arms intertwined

As we drank from coconut shells

Little umbrellas fending off

The non-existent rain

As it didn’t fall

From the non-existent clouds

I was successful

In the year 2003 I remember

The angry black clouds of the Millennium

I remember sparks peeping through

The thick firework proof blanket

I remember holding my friends vomiting head

In a Grafton Bridge gutter

I remember dancing on Mission Bay

Bowing to my Tongan Queen as he was typically fabulous darling

I remember quaffing Lindauer

With my non-existent husband

As non-existent little umbrellas

Were demolished in the storm

But…..I am successful

I don’t want my 1984 dreams

They would make my 2003 dreams non-existent

I‘d be married to Simon Le Bon

My 2003 reality would be non-existent

I would be non-existent

And who wants that

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