Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Well hello from pissing it down rainy London.

Won't be long till I'm back in pissing it down rainy Auckland so hooray for that.

Tour ended on Thursday night in Bristol with a good sized yet rather subdued crowd who wanted all squishy mushy stuff. Luckily I had some of that in the dark recesses of my mind and abandoned the cunty cunt face poem I was going to do.

I prefer the cunty cunt myself but that could have something to do with me being single.

It worked well though and Australasia got second! Woohooooo, still bottom of the table but nice to make it to a second at one stage. Not total losers after all.

From there it was a little bit of an emotional farewell at various bus and train stations and I journeyed back to London and leafy green Willesden Green.

For the next four days I have basically done NOTHING and it's been marvellous. I have a mountain of work waiting at home in the form of Publicity for the new show, marketing for the new show...oh and um yeah, writing the new show so i have soaked up the couch time here greedily.

My friend has Sky so all day I've wallowed in ER and Scrubs re-runs along with Celebrity Dancing with the Top Model Circus Monkeys with the Y Factor Idol. (They seriously have Cirque du Celebrite here where wannabes and has beens don lycra unitards and whack their nuts on roller bollers all presided over by Ruby Wax with a shit script. Genius.)

We did venture out from time to time. We braced Christmas on Oxford St briefly, which if you've never experienced is a process whereby you go all mushy over the pretty lights before being stampeded by a rampaging hoard of sale-seeking missiles with glazed expressions all gibbering about their upcoming giblets. Not fun, well maybe a bit, but only in small doses.

The highlight though of this brief London sojourn was on Saturday night when we hit the West End and headed to Avenue Q.

For those not in the know Avenue Q is a bit like Sesame St but with more puppet fellatio and gay angst. Yes it's a revamping of the children's show complete with fabulous songs like; "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" and "The Internet is for Porn" and has hilarious lines like when the Gary Coleman character declares; "I haven't had this much fun since I sued my parents!"

It was genius and the puppet sex scene, including cowgirl riding and hand guided blow-jobs will be seared in my memory forever. As will the Bert-esque character coming out to the Ernie-esque after being made homeless. Ahhhhh laugh, how we did.

Then on Sunday I headed to a Switch and Bitch party. This is where a group of girls got together to give away clothes they didn't want anymore, drink wine and eat cake. I gained a dress, a skirt, a jacket and a kilo. More genius.

Today after I finally get out of my PJ's (1pm is a perfectly reasonable time to get dressed) I'll be flying back to Aotearoa, so leave the light on and the door unlocked, I'm coming home.

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